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The GridCOMP project has the following objectives:

  • be able to interoperate with existing standards, such as Web Services, WSRF, Unicore, EGEE gLite;
  • become a "de facto" standard for big industry and SMEs specifying and implementing all the features usually expected from an actual grid programming framework;
  • address both scientific computing and enterprise computing;
  • reach a world wide audience thanks to the involvement of non European partners from South America, Australia and China.
GridCOMP takes the Grid Component Model (GCM, CoreGRID Network of Excellence) as a first specification, and use the ObjectWeb ProActive Open Source implementation as a starting point. ObjectWeb ProActive Grid middleware ensures interoperability with other standards: EGEE gLite, UNICORE, NorduGrid, Globus, Web Services. Coordination with the NESSI initiative is also a strong priority, with the involvement of ObjectWeb, Atos Origin, IBM.
Expected results in the scientific domain are accelerations in developing new simulations, and as such new discoveries. The impact on the EU economy can be foreseen by analogy to the GSM standard. GSM has changed the way mobile telecommunication infrastructures were built, bringing EU at the leading edge of the technology. Similarly, GCM should stimulate the domain of IT infrastructure management and application development, reinforcing Europe leadership in the sector.