Home arrow Dissemination arrow GridCOMP meetings arrow GridCOMP Workshop and Tutorial - 30 Oct - 1 Nov 2007 - Beijing, China
GridCOMP Workshop and Tutorial - 30 Oct - 1 Nov 2007 - Beijing, China

The next GridCOMP internal meeting took place in Beijing from 30 October to 1 November 2007, hosted by the Computer Network Information Center - CAS and Tsinghua University . This event was organised in cooperation with two EC funded projects, EchoGRID and Bridge , and was run in parallel with the Fourth Grid Plugtests jointly organised by ETSI , INRIA and ERCIM.
Participation to the Plugtests was open to the public.

On October 30, fifteen GridCOMP members participated to the internal meeting. The research progresses were presented by each partner. Agenda
On October 31: the ProActive/GCM workshop was held at CNIC. The GridCOMP partners discussed technical details of their research.  Agenda
On November 1st, the ProActive/GCM tutorial gathered 30 students from several Chinese universities. Agenda