Public Deliverables List |
D.CFI.03: Architectural design of the component framework (M12) D.CFI.05: CFI prototype and early documentation (M24) D.CFI.06: CFI tuned prototype and final documentation (manual and detailed architectural design) (M30) D.NFCF.01: Non functional component subsystem architectural design) (M12) D.GIDE.02: Grid IDE early prototype (M12) D.GIDE.03: Grid IDE prototype and early documentation (M24) D.GIDE.04: Grid IDE tuned prototype and final documentation (manual and detailed architectural design) (M30) D.UC.04: Use cases: early prototypes and early documentation (M24) D.UC.05: Use cases: tuned prototypes and final documentation (manual and detailed architectural design) (M30) D.DIS.01: GridCOMP Website (M3) D.DIS.03: Proceedings of the first GridCOMP Workshop (M16) D.DIS.04: GridCOMP introductory material, slides, tutorial, sample code on the GridCOMP Website (M20) D.DIS.05: Proceedings of the secondGridCOMP Workshop (M30) D.DIS.06a, b & c: Yearly and Final Plans for using and disseminating knowledge (M12, 24 & 30) D.COL.01: Collaboration plan from the individual project perspective including commitment for contribution to Task 1 to 5 (M4) D.COL.02: Collaboration report for Task 1 to 5 (M12) D.COL.03: Collaboration report for Task 1 to 5 (M24) |