GridCOMP meeting at GRIDS@work Conference - 27 to 29 November 2006 |
Second GridCOMP project meeting
at the GRIDS@work conference at ETSI Headquarters, Sophia-Antipolis (Close to Nice Airport, 27 November - 1st December 2006) Agenda - Internal meeting - Monday 27 November 2006 - 10h00 : Coffee and welcome
- 10h30 : Administrative issues
- 11h00 : Update on ProActive and the GCM (OASIS INRIA)
- 11h30 : Update on non functional Features (Univ Pisa and CNR)
- 12h00 : Lunch
- 13h00 : Update on Environment Work (Westminster)
- 13h30 : GridSystems Use cases and Reports on first experiments
- 14h00 : ATOS Use case and report on first experiments
- 14h30 : IBM Use case and report on first experiments
- 15h00 : Discussion - Architecture of the Use Case
- 15h30 : Coffee Break
- 16h00 : Discussions - Architecture of the CP platform & activity of non EU partners
- 16h45 : Break
- 17h00 : Public session: Phd Defense, Matthieu Morel, Components for Grid Computing
- 19h00 : Adjourn