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Autonomic GCM Features


GridCOMP main goal is the design and implementation of a component based framework suitable to support the development of efficient grid applications. The framework is evolved from Grid Component Model (GCM) specification defined within the Institute on Programming of the CoreGRID Network of Excellence, and is implemented on top of the ObjectWeb ProActive Grid middleware. Among the main features, GCM supports the development and deployment of self-management grid applications based onto the autonomic computing paradigm, which is aimed to automatically enforce user-defined levels of QoS for the applications in instable execution environments.

The GCM source code and the documents linked here are referred to the development status at the end of the GridCOMP project (January 2009). There are two main software distributions.

  • NFCF.P39-release that is the last stable version based on Proactive 3.9. It supports GCM-based autonomic application development by means of the farm and DP behavioural skeletons. They come in two flavours: adaptive (i.e. passive) and autonomic (i.e. active). Applications builds on top of adaptive behavioural skeletons can be monitored and steered by users, whereas applications build on top of autonomic behavioural skeletons are able to self-manage according to directives specified in declarative fashion in a QoS contracts (Boss-based). In this latter case components can be wired through non-functional connections (via managers) to form a management overlay. The full list of features is documented in the user manual included in the doc directory.
  • NFCF.P40-beta, i.e. the latest stable version based on Proactive 4.0.2. It improves P39-release beyond GridCOMP project aims, in particular, it provides the support for Proactive 4.x (together with the improved monitoring infrastructure), the full support for distributed management overlay, the support for dynamic contract injection and dynamic contract alteration, parametric ADLs, component garbage collection, and many other features that are documented in the doc directory (and in the PDP 2009 and IPDPS 2009 papers).
Applications developed for NFCF.P39-release can be seamlessly run under NFCF.P40-beta after recompilation. Future release will appear in the University of Pisa Web pages. For additional information please contact Marco Danelutto (marcod AT di.unipi.it - GridCOMP WP3 coordinator)
Presentations in international conferences and meetings 

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Related papers

  • M. Aldinucci, S. Campa, M. Danelutto, M. Vanneschi, P. Dazzi, D. Laforenza, N. Tonellotto, and P. Kilpatrick. Behavioural skeletons in GCM: autonomic management of grid components. In D. E. Baz, J. Bourgeois, and F. Spies, editors, Proc. of Intl. Euromicro PDP 2008: Parallel Distributed and network-based Processing, pages 54–63, Toulouse, France, Feb. 2008. IEEE.
  •  M. Danelutto and G. Zoppi. Behavioural skeletons meeting services. In Proc. of ICCS: Intl. Conference on Computational Science, Workshop on Practical Aspects of High-level Parallel Programming, volume 5101 of LNCS, pages 146–153, Krakow, Poland, June 2008. Springer.
  • M. Aldinucci, M. Danelutto, G. Zoppi, and P. Kilpatrick. Advances in autonomic components & services. In T. Priol and M. Vanneschi, editors, From Grids To Service and Pervasive Computing (Proc. of the CoreGRID Symposium 2008), CoreGRID, pages 3–18, Las Palmas, Spain, Aug. 2008. Springer.
  • M. Aldinucci and E. Tuosto. Towards a formal semantics for autonomic components. In T. Priol and M. Vanneschi, editors, From Grids To Service and Pervasive Computing (Proc. of the CoreGRID Symposium 2008), CoreGRID, pages 31–45, Las Palmas, Spain, Aug. 2008. Springer.
  •  M. Aldinucci, S. Campa, M. Danelutto, P. Dazzi, P. Kilpatrick, D. Laforenza, and N. Tonellotto. Behavioural skeletons for component autonomic management on grids. In M. Danelutto, P. Frangopoulou, and V. Getov, editors, Making Grids Work, CoreGRID, chapter Component Programming Models, pages 3–16. Springer, Aug. 2008.
  • M. Aldinucci, M. Danelutto, and P. Kilpatrick. Co-design of distributed systems using skeletons and autonomic management abstractions. In Workshops of Euro-Par 2008, volume 5415 of LNCS, 2009. To appear.
  • M. Aldinucci, M. Danelutto, and P. Kilpatrick. Towards hierarchical management of autonomic components: a case study. In Proc. of Intl. Euromicro PDP 2009: Parallel Distributed and network-based Processing, Weimar, Germany, Feb. 2009. IEEE. To appear.
  • M. Aldinucci, M. Danelutto, and P. Kilpatrick. Autonomic management of non-functional concerns in distributed and parallel application programming. In Proc. of Intl. Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Rome, Italy, May 2009. IEEE. To appear.
Installation, user manual and step-by-step tutorial

After the files download, expand gzipped tarball and import them as projects inside your eclipse workspace (see also WP4 material). The manual specific for each version can be found in the doc directory. The D.NFCF.05 deliverable includes the user manual of the version NFCF.P39-release.